Noida, India – The International Film and Television Club (IFTC), in collaboration with the Indo-Panama Film and Cultural Forum, proudly presented the feature film Algo Azul at the prestigious 17th Global Film Festival, held at Marwah Film City. The Panamanian film, directed by the talented Mariel García Spooner, captivated the audience with […]

Noida, December 2024: The Indo-Tunisia Film and Cultural Forum, in association with the International Film and Television Club, proudly showcased the Tunisian feature film A Son, directed by Mehdi Barsaoui, at the prestigious 17th Global Film Festival Noida 2024. The film received an overwhelming response from the audience, who applauded its […]

Noida, 28th December: The Indo-Suriname Film and Cultural Forum was officially launched by His Excellency Arunkoemar Hardien, Ambassador of Suriname, along with distinguished dignitaries from the film and television world during the 17th Global Film Festival at Marwah Film City, Noida. This initiative aims to strengthen and promote relations between India […]