New Delhi, April 2, 2024 – The Asian Unity Alliance, along with its members across the globe, joyously celebrated the Asian Unity Day on April 2nd, marking a significant milestone in fostering solidarity among the esteemed nations of Asia. Established several years ago by the Asian Unity Alliance, Asian Unity Day […]

New Delhi: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and a prominent figure in the field of education, was recently bestowed with a prestigious honor by the Rajasthani Academy for his unwavering dedication and continuous contributions to nation-building. Dr. Marwah, who also serves as the Chancellor of the AAFT University, […]

Noida, March 31, 2024: The AAFT School of Advertising, Public Relations, and Events welcomed back esteemed alumna Megha Narula, a renowned brand consultant, for an enriching workshop on brand development and marketing strategies. The insightful session provided students with valuable insights into the dynamic world of branding and its impact […]